Why should you invest in custom product packaging?
Custom product packaging for food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, toys, and a large assortment of other items has been around for a very long time. Whether you’re shopping at your local grocery store or browsing for something online, you can see professionally designed packaging at every turn.
The question you may be asking yourself right now is simple. “Is
custom product packaging a worthwhile investment for your product, company, and brand?” The simple answer is yes, and we’re here to explain exactly why this is something you should be considering right now:
First Impression
We hear a lot about making a great first impression in our personal lives, but this is just as important for a business and its products. Whether a potential customer is introduced to your product in a brick-and-mortar store or somewhere online, there’s a good chance that the packaging is the first thing they notice. Customized boxes and other types of containers will help you make that great first impression that we all desire and thrive on.
Brand Awareness
If you can create custom product packaging that stands out, it can become synonymous with your brand. This will help you build a customer base that is loyal, supportive, and even protective of what your brand stands for. If you do it right, these loyal customers may even become brand ambassadors by sharing images and positive opinions of your product and packaging.
Increases Sales
Many decisions that your business makes will determine whether your sales go through the roof or flounder a bit. The obvious truth is that attractive packaging can bring in new customers who are more likely to make repeat purchases of your product. Customizing your product packaging will build brand awareness. You have a much higher chance of your products flying off the shelves.
Appropriate Sized Packaging
There’s a good likelihood that everyone reading this has purchased a product where the box was too big for the item inside. Or perhaps the package was just oddly designed. If you think customers don’t notice when this happens, think again. In fact, today’s online influencers may display your packaging so they can mock it – and no, not all publicity is good publicity…
Increase Perceived Quality
They say to never judge a book by its cover, but the truth is that products get judged by their packaging all the time. If your packaging looks plain and unexciting, this can be detrimental to how a potential customer will view the product itself. This perceived quality can shed light on your product and increase sales.
Socially Conscious
In recent years, consumers have become increasingly aware of their own carbon footprint and the effects of others. Since businesses are involved with manufacturing, these consumers often demand that companies take the steps necessary to be environmentally conscious. If you can find a way to create recyclable or sustainable packaging, then you’re more likely to be celebrated for caring about the environment.
Lowers Costs
When your packaging is too large for your product, this can lead to an increase of required shelf space. This can also mean fewer items on the shelf, and fewer items being shipped in a specific amount of space. This means that you’re wasting money on packaging materials and shipping costs. Custom product packaging gives you the opportunity to save money, space, and possibly your reputation.
Reduces Damage
Product packaging that isn’t the right size will definitely increase costs, but the product’s safety is also a concern. When the product’s package is an incorrect size, this increases the chance that the product may become dislodged and/or damaged during the shipping process. Designing packaging that’s the appropriate size for your product can reduce this possibility.
Sets Product Apart
Custom product packaging can immediately identify your brand. But what might be even more effective is that it can help you set your product apart from your competitors. It allows you to give an extra boost to your product and company.
Contact Color Pages for Custom Product Packaging
Color Pages offers
printing services,
graphic design, custom product packaging, and related services that will help you build a brand and increase sales. If you have any questions about what we do or would like a free quote, call us at (727) 530-3370 today.